Welcome to Badmintonclub Terneuzen

At Badmintonclub Terneuzen you can practice, play and learn badminton. Would you like to join us for a friendly match? Players from 6 to 65+ years old, competitionplayers and badmintonenthousiasts, newbie or experienced, all badmintonplayers are welcome to our club.

But Badmintonclub Terneuzen offers more! Besides our trainings and competition games, we have plenty of room for fun and free play. We also organize PEP (plezier en prestatie / fun and performance) tournaments for seniors and juniors, tournaments for 50+ in collaboration with other clubs, Family days, the Christmastournament, the Oliebollentournament and our annual Club/Regional Championships.

Contact us or visit our training in Sports Center "de Vliegende Vaart" in Terneuzen.

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You are welcome

Our sponsors:  

Badmintonclub Terneuzen is member of Nederlandse Badmintonbond.
